Friday, August 28, 2009

Best Cure Bad Breath

Looking for the best cure for bad breath? Read on...

Nearly 30%-40% of the population is suffering from bad breath. Searching for the best cure for bad breath seems to be an endless one for many sufferers. However, it need not be like this.

The key to curing your bad breath is to know what is the real cause of your breath condition. Only then will you be able to apply the right cure for your condition.

If you smoke or drink lots of alcohol and coffee or eat lots of garlic and onion, your breath is going to stink as such diets make your mouth dry. Stop or at least cut down on such foods or habits.

Other bad breath causes include illness or even the medicine you take. But ninety-five percent of bad breath is due to having bacteria in your mouth and not getting them out of your mouth.

If that is your problem, proper oral hygiene is your priority. Use your toothbrushes, tongue scrapers, floss and mouthwash. All this help to give your mouth a thorough clean up.

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